Private Lessons & Instruments
Aaron offers private lessons and thrives on teaching students how to teach themselves. Aaron’s education program helps many students and families in need with financial aid for private lessons and instruments.
Concert Rock Academy matches teachers and students providing jobs for music teachers and sponsoring lessons for families in need. Instruments can be donated and are placed into the hands of our students.
To make an instrument donation, inquire about lessons, support this program and more Contact Aaron

Teaching 8,000 Miles Away
Aaron started a violin program at the Vera Thomson English School in Myanmar, Southeast Asia and teaches students weekly online who live 8,000 miles away. Aaron hand carried and donated 4 violins to get this violin program up and running. To learn more about this program, watch the video at the top of this page.
To inquire or support this program Contact Aaron

$25,000 +
Mike & Karie Richardson
Pat Reser & Bill Westphal
The Robert & Mary Jane Smith Foundation
Bob & Angie Knowling
$15,000 +
Consigning Women
Lewis Audio Video
Mahler Jewelers
Ron Tonkin Gran Turismo
Weston Kia
Kadmark Print & Embroidery
Rock Stars
$10,000 +
Ken Hick & Cheri Cooley-Hick
Chrys Martin & Jack Pessia
The Park Foundation
Ronni Lacroute
Zidell Family Foundation
Jan Yonker & Chuck Zwick
Carolyn Leonard
Austin Family Foundation
Jack & Jan Lundeen
$5,000 +
John & Laura Davidson
Jean Edwards
Mike Ellis
Richard & Kim Fink
James Frey & Trisaetum Winery
Heather Killough Foundation
Denice & Kevin Hogan
Davidson Family Giving Fund
Brian & Susie O’Day
Lease Crutcher Lewis
Ken Wright Cellars
Randy & Linda Zmrhal
Jane & Dan Terry
Barbur World Foods
Greg & Jodi Thomas
Backstage Access
$2,500 +
Gene Bennington & Bennington Properties
Captain Terry Glenn
Carol Meyer
Debra Turner Hatcher
Carol Post
Jacob Weston
Carol Meyer
Christine & Phil Green
Nicki & Kevin Wann
Mark Sipiora
Super Fans
$1,000 +
Pierre Zreik
Kathy & Steve Bernards
Bill & Shelley Kolb
Solena Estate
Methven Family Vineyards
Ron & Lynn Penner-Ash
Oregon Wine Country Properties LLC
David & Kathy Brooks